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For more information start with selecting what you plan to do, either hang canvas/wall art or sell items you've made



Canvas Painter

In Store Artist

Want to hang your art inside of the coffee shop?


For over 10 years we've had the privilege of displaying art created by our community.

How to get started:

Make sure these terms work for you.

  1. $5 per month fee to hang art.

  2. Three month commitment 

  3. 40% fee when a piece sells

  4. Click the button below to sign up.

  5. We'll send you an email with a time and date to bring your art into the shop.

Art requirements:

On the back of each of your pieces please be sure the following is displayed and will not fall off.

  1. Name of your art piece

  2. Medium used

  3. Short description/inspiration story

  4. Price

  5. Your name

  6. Instagram (if you have one)

  7. Facebook (if you have one)


At this time we are not accepting art pieces that are larger than 24"x24"

Browsing Jewelry

In Store Vendor

Want to display your wears inside the coffee shop?


For over 10 years we've had the privilege of displaying art created by our community.

How to get started:

Make sure these terms work for you.

  1. $10 per month fee to sell your creations.

  2. Three month commitment 

  3. 40% fee when items sell

  4. Click the button below to sign up.

  5. We'll send you an email with a time and date to bring your items into the shop.


Each item needs the following information visible.

  1. Price

  2. Your business/brand name

When you sign up you will be asked

a few more questions.

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